Meet the Team – Nakia Tyler

Meet the Team – Nakia Tyler

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″]Nakia is a project manager at TCF but she has many roles including web guru, copywriter and team cheerleader – that being the role that her co-workers enjoy the most as she always has a smile on her face and is willing to help anyone with anything.


Need some help with a website re-design or picking out something pink and sparkly for your inner princess.


Ready to learn a little more? Check out Nakia’s Q & A session:


If you could have any superpower which would you choose and why?
Okay, I’ve really thought long and hard about this, and I finally decided that I would choose the superpower of shape-shifting. I want the ability to change into anything I want, including, but not limited to: mermaids, unicorns, dragons, or time lords. As an extension of that power, I would want to be able to change the shape and form of anything I touch as well!


Why? Because I think if I can shift into anything or anyone I want to be, then I can pretty much do all of the awesome things that I’ve ever wanted to do in my life. AND. Just so this doesn’t sound completely selfish, I could think of a million creative ways that I could use this power to help make the world a better place, too!


Oil spill? No problem, let me change that into water for you! Trapped under a huge boulder? I can morph that solid stone into air molecules! Your son brought home a pet snake without your permission? Let’s make that a nice furry kitten instead!


Need more reasons? Um, did I mention I could be a mermaid?


Where would you like to go that you’ve never been before?
If we are talking for funsies, then I would love to go on a trip to Europe, and see London, Paris, and parts of Ireland!


But if I had to choose only one place to travel in the world, I would choose to go on the Baha’i Pilgrimage to Israel.


When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I’ve always had a slight obsession with office supplies, and for that reason only, I wanted to be a secretary!


Other dream jobs included: soap opera actress, professional wrestler, and best-selling novelist. I’m still working on the last one!


What is your favorite lunch spot near the office? What do you order?
My fabulous coworkers got me hooked on Diamond Thai. I love the #61, which is Pineapple Fried Rice, and I order it with tofu – no meat, no egg.


What is the nerdiest thing you do in your spare time?
I don’t really know if this is nerdy anymore, because it’s quite popular now, but I love to binge-watch episodes of Doctor Who on Netflix.


What are three things still left on your bucket list?
1. I had the opportunity to travel to Japan a few years ago, and I absolutely have to go back before I die!


2. I want to experience the ocean! I’ve never seen it before, but I would love swim in it, or dive in it, and maybe see some dolphins or whales or manatees (or mermaids)!


3. I’ve never been to any of the Disney theme parks, and I think it’s one of those things that I would totally love to do. I mean, the happiest place on earth? Yes, please!


And, hey! If I play my cards right, I could knock all three of these out in one trip, if I go to Disneyland in Tokyo! 😉


What’s the strangest talent you have?
In the movie Pacific Rim, the evil alien race, Kaijus, make this really bizarre noise that, according to the captions, is called “chittering.” I apparently make a similar noise without even thinking about it. It’s completely involuntary! I didn’t believe it at first, but I caught myself doing it once, and it was kind of horrifying. I have no idea how I do it or why, but it’s definitely strange!


What is your favorite social media platform and why?
I have two answers for this…


My official answer is Facebook. I know, that is a pretty obvious answer, but when it comes to being truly social, that’s where I interact the most with my friends. And, by that, I mean both my actual friends, and the friends I know only from Facebook. I’ve heard that people are trending away from Facebook, but it’s still really popular among my circle of friends, and I find it an invaluable tool for connecting and staying in touch with people.


Now, my unofficial favorite, and my guilty pleasure, is Tumblr. I wouldn’t say I’m social there, but I love just diving into all of the creative, hilarious, and ingenious posts related to all of my favorite fandoms! I can spend hours and hours on Tumblr without even realizing it, and all of a sudden, half of my day is gone. I try and use it with caution, but sometimes, it’s too fun to resist!


To contact Nakia call (712) 226-3471, email or tweet @kiabear


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