[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″]I’m not going to lie, I don’t really like paying for apps. In fact, an app has to be pretty darn special for me to be willing to pay for it, and even then, I’ll usually wait until I get an iTunes Gift Card for my birthday or something.
So, I’m always excited to hear about a paid app that is available for free, even if I know I’ll never use it. The way I see it, any app is worth a try if it doesn’t cost you anything, because worst case scenario, you just delete it if you don’t like it.
It just so happens that, when I was perusing the App Store and saw the banner advertising Things by Cultured Code for free, I was in the market for a to-do list app.
For the past year, I’ve been using a lovely little notebook from Russell + Hazel for my daily task tracker. It was my lifeline, the anchor that kept me from floating away throughout the day. I finished it a couple of weeks ago, and none of my other notebooks have been able to take its place.
Since I was already toying with the idea of trying a digital version of my notebook, I thought, what the heck. I’ll give Things a shot. Here are three reasons why you should do the same.
#1: Did I mention, it’s FREE?
Despite Apple’s decision to eliminate the word FREE from the App Store, that doesn’t change the fact that it will cost you nothing to download this app. Well, at least not for the next 2 days. This deal expires on November 28th, so you should absolutely, positively get it while it’s free. Like I said, you’ve got nothing to lose.
You can download Things for FREE on the iPhone and iPad.
#2: It syncs across devices.
This is one of my favorite features. Thanks to the awesome Things Cloud, the projects, to-dos, scheduled tasks, and lists that you create in Things on your iPad, can also be pulled up on your iPhone. I find the screen space on my iPad Mini is a little more friendly when it comes to entering information, but when I’m in the store, I would much rather be reading my lists from my smaller iPhone.
My favorite feature is also a source of major disappointment to me. Not only is Things available on iPhones and iPads, but it is available on the Mac as well, and I was excited to read that the Mac version was on sale this week, too. imagine how awesome it would be to create to-dos on my computer, and be able to take them with me on my other devices!
Alas, Things for Mac, even on sale, is way over my budget, at $34.99. I’m sure this would be a wonderful investment for small businesses, or professionals that need a robust solution for project management, but my uses, that’s a pretty steep price tag.
#3: It’s easy (and fun!) to organize.
Through the use of Projects, Things makes it easy to separate work to-dos from personal to-dos, so that I can use this app for both.
Tags can be used on both the Project and To-Do levels, so when your worlds collide, you have a way to tell them apart. Things provides you with some pre-made tags, but you can also create your own, and organize them into sub-tags.
Inside of To-Dos, you can designate due dates and leave yourself notes. You can also choose whether you’d like the task to show up in your Today view.
You can schedule to-dos for certain dates, and have them recurring weekly, monthly, etc. Or, if you have things that you’d like to do, but aren’t sure when they’ll actually happen (like, writing a novel, for instance), you can put them in the Someday box.
I’ve had a lot of fun working with Things and seeing what it can do, and I look forward to testing out its ability to replace my beloved notebook. I love technology as much as the next person, but I’m still in love with the way it feels to hold a pen in my hand, place tip to paper, and just write. Or doodle. Or make a little checkmark next to something I’ve just completed.
How do you organize your day? What apps do you use? What app should I try out next month? Please leave me a comment and let me know![/vc_column][/vc_row]
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